Money bowls have been used for a very long time to manifest Prosperity & Abundance to oneself. They have become more common in todays society with the economy dropping. Manifesting is easy to do with our ready made Prosperity & Abundance Money Bowls. All you need to do is add your own money coins (small change will do as you don't need bills or large money to attract prosperity & abundance with a money bowl).
Our Prosperity & Abundance Money Bowls also comes with a spell so you don't need to worry about how to come up with a spell if your unsure just your strong intention and will.
All our Prosperity & Abundance Money Bowls comes with:
-Terracotta Bowl (earthy, warmth, happiness & strength)
-Sand (spiritual journey, change & abundance)
-Rice (draws money & prosperity to the home)
-Pyrite Tree (abundance, money, prosperity, protection)
-Pinecone (prosperity)
-White Candle (growth, money & abundance)
-Green Sea Shell (protection, prosperity & abundance)
-Cinnamons (luck, money & protection)
-Bay leaves (manifesting-writing your first & last name along with your intentions, then burning it)
-Crystals (crystals with vary. We choose crystals for money, abundance, prosperity & luck)
Money (adding your coins to your Prosperity & Abundance Money Bowl will draw money with your intentions)