We are so blessed to offer our beautiful 'Guardian's Guard' Tiger's Eye bracelet pair that are hand made with so much love, care an positive energy to raise awareness for Child Abuse. The 'Guardian's Guard' bracelets are a pair that is purchased so that the purchaser gets to keep and wear their half and donate the other half (child size) for Child Abuse. The 'Guardian's Guard' bracelets are made with yellow and red tiger's eye (amount of beads varies by size), alongside 3 lava beads & 1 large brown bead. The large brown wooden bead represents the person who purchased & donated the bracelet (you) this wooden bead is an important bead as this is where the knot is tied to keep the bracelet all together, the red and yellow tiger's eyes represents every person who helps protect and keep an Abused Child safe, and the lava beads represents the ones who make the bracelets (ELIXIRZ By Emajean). These precious stones are known for calming, grounding, restoring balance, strength, protection and releasing fear & anxiety. They were all specifically chosen to help an Abused Child feel safe and know that they were not alone and that we are giving them our positive energy also!! We are so thrilled to donate the child’s size Guardian’s Guard’ bracelets for victims of Child Abuse to B.A.C.A. Biker's Against Child Abuse who empower the children to feel safe.
The Lava Stone is a Root Chakra stone. Lava is the molten rock expelled by a volcano during an eruption. The resulting rock after solidification and cooling is also called lava. Once the stone is cool, it becomes porous and black. Lava stones carry energetic qualities and have been used for their healing properties. Emotional- Since lava is known for its grounding qualities, it's wonderful for calming the emotions. Lava rocks help eliminates toxins from the body. Lava Beads is a raw energy rock that has a connection to Earth.
TIGER’S EYE (Yellow & Red)
The Tiger’s Eye is the solar plexus chakra, where its energy has a very powerful effect this is a powerful stone that aids harmony and balance, and helps you to release fear and anxiety. It stimulates taking action, and helps you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, and unclouded by your emotions. Tigers Eye stone will integrate both hemispheres of the brain, and aid those with scattered energy to resolve any mental conflicts. It helps you to be clearer mentally, and will charge the intellect as it allows you to remain calm and grounded through the changes.t is as simple as keeping the stone within your aura, so it will be of benefit to you. It is the balance within the stone that is its most practical attribute.. It is also a blood fortifier. The stone holds energy from the sun.
Starting by using 1-2 drops of your favorite synergy or essential oils onto the Lava Bead will be a good start. It helps you decide how much you will use and need. This will give you a good guide to increase if you feel you need more (up to 5 drops). This will typically last anywhere from 1-3 days depending on essential oils used and amount used. The Lava Bead is the diffuser that with your body’s movement & heat, you release your essential oils. This in turn helps give you the properties you want.
DO NOT shower or bath with your Attar Aromatherapy Lava Jewelry as the water will cloud your essential oils on your jewelry if you choose to put essential oils on them. You may also want to clean your jewelry by leaving them overnight in the moonlight or during the day in the sunlight to recharge the energy in your jewelry.
The Guardian’s Guard bracelet pair is sold for $47 (regularly $53.98). Please contact for more information.
PLEASE NOTE when ordering on-line, one bracelet will be shipped to you (adult bracelet), the child bracelet will be given to a close member of B.A.C.A. to distribute to the children they protect. Any further questions about B.A.C.A. member who will distribute them, you can call "Kitten" directly @ 780-965-5153